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CLP report​
Online portal for data research
AI for data linking and report generation
Das CLDreport Portal sammelt die wichtigsten Anlagendaten über längere Zeiträume, und generiert komprimierte Tagesreports mit relevanten Kennzahlen wie zB Durchsatz auf Schichtbasis, Anlagen Stillstände, erkannte Gefahrenquellen.
Live telemetry from sensors and actuators as diagrams or tables in a dashboard with history function (maximum 30 days) and various aggregation options. The dashboard is hosted in the SAMsoric data center.
Automated, standardized reports with.
Tables and diagrams
Key figures and performance data
Sent by e-mail at a defined time as:
PDF file with the complete report
CSV file with raw data for your own evaluations
Customer-specific adaptations.
Templates for formatting
Integration of logos


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